Master of Science in Sustainable and Green Finance

In collaboration with the NUS Business School, SGFIN offers a Master of Science in Sustainable and Green Finance (MSc SGF) programme.

This programme takes an organic approach to ensure the delivery of a strong curriculum. It supplements foundation and core modules in finance with elective modules on measuring environmental impacts of various industries and how the measures can be utilised for policy making and strategic business and corporate decisions, as well as confluence of technological developments and environmental / sustainable issues. It augments with experiential learning opportunities through potential participation in SGFIN’s in-house research and industry projects.

NEW FOR 2023/2024: We are pleased to introduce the part-time delivery of the program.  Please click below to find out more.

Programme Highlights

Click on the links below to read more about some of the highlights of our MSc SGF students' learning journey.

Gallery Walk | Capstone Projects

Industry Talks

Attending SGFIN's Official Opening