SGFIN Official Opening & Panel Sessions

Thursday, 20 April, 2023

Shaw Foundation Alumni House
National University of Singapore,
11 Kent Ridge Dr, Singapore 119244
Shaw Foundation Alumni House (SFAH) @ Level 2, Auditorium

Sustainable and Green Finance Institute (SGFIN) invites you to join us for the Official Opening of SGFIN. Besides the official opening, we’re planning other programmes for a full-day event, such as a Policy Panel session on “Navigating the Changing Landscapes of Sustainability and Climate-Related Policies” and an Industry Panel session on "Is Technology Complementary or Orthogonal to Sustainability?".  

Guest of Honour: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong



Only registered participants will be admitted to the event. The event is governed by the Chatham House Rule.

For enquiries on attending and partnerships, please write to us at

In support of global green initiative, there will not be printed conference materials. Presented materials will be linked to the program when they are available.

Dress code 

Jacket without tie and long-sleeved light colour shirt (Men)

Office Attire (Women)


NUS Shaw Foundation Alumni House
11 Kent Ridge Dr, Singapore 119244