26 May 2023

On May 26, 2023, Associate Professor Zhang Weina, Deputy Director of SGFIN, has been invited to speak at the Nikkei Forum “Future of Asia”. The other panellists include Mr. Koichiro Kimura, Chairman and Senior Partner from PwC Japan Group and Mr. Salyadi Saputra, Director of Strategy, Portfolio, and New Ventures of PT Pertamina (Persero) from Indonesia. The host is Mr Kiyoshi Ando, Senior Staff Writer from Nikkei Inc.

The panel has focused on the urgency about business sustainability and mission toward decarbonization that is growing among corporate executives in Asia. Prof Zhang shared how finance can support the decarbonization journey of Asian businesses. She also emphasized that there is a need to nurture and equip a new generation of green finance talents and experts for the transition. Moreover, every firm and country have to identify its own pathway to decarbonization from the lowest cost solution, by mapping out its own marginal abatement cost curve of carbon.