Seminar Series on Climate Change and Investment | CIL NUS

The Role of Financial Institutions in Supporting Net Zero Investments

27 April 2023

For the Seminar Series on Climate Change and Investment, Associate Professor Zhang Weina, the Deputy Director of SGFIN, was invited as the panelist along with Sean Kidney (Co-founder and CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative), Kosintr Puongsophol (Financial Sector Specialist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank), Stefanie Schacherer (Assistant Professor of Law, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University) and Ting Sim (Legal Director, GenZero). 

Prof Zhang presented on the Landscape of Sustainable Finance and discussed sustainable investment strategies like ESG integration and sustainability themed investing. Integration was also raised as a key concept for considering how the social and environmental impacts affect the financial returns.