EDM - NUS Sustainability v4

The Sustainable and Green Finance Institute (SGFIN) is pleased to invite you to the launch of our research paper Integrated Impact Valuation Framework for Green Buildings!

Date:  18 Sep 2024
Time:  1.30 – 3 pm

This research study aims to advance the understanding of green building valuation. It harmonises existing green building standards (i.e., Green Mark, BEAM Plus, CASBEE, Estidama, BREEAM, DGNB, LEED, Living Building Challenge, and WELL) and the existing impact measurement frameworks. In doing so, we present a holistic framework that monetises Economic, Environmental, Social, and Governance (EESG) impacts of sustainable buildings for green financing. The new comprehensive framework ultimately seeks to drive the transition towards a sustainable built environment.

The programme for the event will be as follows:

1.30pm Research seminar on Integrated Impact Valuation Framework for Green Buildings by Associate Professor Weina Zhang, NUS
2.00pm Panel Discussion
Moderated by Associate Professor Cristian Badarinza, NUS
Associate Professor Nirmal Tulsidas Kishnani, NUS
Benjamin Towell, OCBC
Associate Professor Weina Zhang, NUS
2.45pm Q&A with the Panellists
3.00pm Closing Remark

This research seminar is organised as part of NUS Sustainability CONNECT Highlight 2024.

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