NUS SGFIN Gallery Walk | MSc SGF Capstone Projects AY2022

11 Aug 2023

On 11 August , we were delighted to host our inaugural Gallery Walk, for the MSc in Sustainable and Green Finance (MSc SGF) graduating students to showcase their Capstone Projects, in collaboration with various SGFIN industry partners. Our Gallery Walk serves as a platform for exchanging market trends, fostering contextualized discussions and highlighting key focus areas in the sustainable and green finance field.

The Capstone Projects that complete the journey of our MSc SGF students are real-time industry projects that are either self-sourced or offered by consulting and banking companies. They are providing our students the opportunity to apply the concepts and methodology acquired in the program by working closely with industry organizations to define, analyze, and resolve complex and challenging business issues in the field of sustainable and green finance.

We are very appreciative to our SGFIN industry partners such as Bank of Singapore, Clifford Capital, GIC, KPMG, RHT Green, SMBC, UOB, Prudential Assurance Company Singapore and WWF for their insightful guidance and nurturing for our students.

Capstone Projects Posters

Click on the individual groups' posters below to view them.