NUS SGFIN Gallery Walk | MSc SGF Capstone Projects AY2023

5 Aug 2024

On 5 Aug, we hosted Gallery Walk AY2023 to showcase the capstone projects of our graduating students in the MSc in Sustainable and Green Finance (MSc SGF) program. The event also served as a welcome for our new cohort of MSc SGF students.

The event began with a welcome address from Prof Zhang Weina, Deputy Director of SGFIN and Academic Director of the MSc SGF program. She explained the significance of including capstone projects in the curriculum as a vital component of experiential learning. Given that sustainable finance is a rapidly evolving field, these projects allow students to address real-life challenges and deepen their understanding. She also expressed gratitude to the industry partners who provided invaluable learning opportunities and to the academic supervisors from various NUS faculties who supported the students in completing their projects.

Some interesting projects were highlighted through both posters and presentations by selected teams as follows:
- Energy transitions, such as the early retirement of coal-fired power plants
- The impact of nature and biodiversity on businesses
- Decarbonization pathways for infrastructure and utility sectors
- Climate stress testing
- Mobilization of blended finance
- Investors’ awareness and preferences regarding ESG criteria

Our industry partners for the capstone projects included Bank of Singapore, GIC, KPMG Singapore, Neuberger Berman, Prudential Assurance Company Singapore, CGS International Securities Singapore, SGX Group and WWF. We are grateful for their insightful guidance and support, which has been instrumental in nurturing our students.

The event concluded with remarks from Prof Johan Sulaeman, Director of SGFIN. He encouraged the new cohort of students to strive for excellence, inspired by the high quality and professionalism demonstrated by their predecessors in their capstone projects. He also expressed gratitude to the NUS Business School staff who supported the capstone process and the industry supervisors who had assisted the students in the journey. Professor Sulaeman highlighted that the field of sustainable finance will continuously present new challenges, urging new students to start planning their future projects early.

Capstone Projects Posters

Click on the individual groups' posters below to view them.

Visit the Gallery Walk AY2022 event page to see capstone project posters from AY2022.